Global Humanity Network Donates School Supplies to Whitfield Town All Age School

Monday, January 9, 2023

On Monday, January 9, 2023, Global Humanity Network Inc (GHN) team member, Mr. Ryan Keating visited Whitfield Town All Age School, St Andrew, Jamaica and presented 50 bags consisting of school supplies and snacks to the students on behalf of GHN.

Principal Karen Powell, graciously accepted the well needed school supplies and immediately proceeded to distribute them to students.

This initiative aligns with GHN Helping Hands in Education objective to assist the most at risk students in underserved communities with materials to aid their development and education.

The materials which included notebooks, crayons, pencils, scissors, colored pencils, sharpeners and erasers were donated by Friends of Bishop Burchell McPherson.

Check out the video below from the recipients!